Friday, April 24, 2020

Don't lose your work while you're overworking...

I was doing my daily work, and listening to The Chainsmokers on my Pandora playlist. An excerpt from a Podcast came on.  Slightly annoyed that I pay for Pandora Premium and I’m still hearing commercials, I decided to stop and listen. The singer said he was flying home from Vegas and had 3 weeks worth of work on his laptop. He looked down and saw the infamous “?” question mark on his folder. Disparaged, he opened it up and as he suspected – his work was gone. The excerpt then cut off, so I will never know which song it was, but lol.

This striked me up to discuss the relativity of Backups. Availability is one of 3 points on the CIA triad in Cybersecurity. Network Availability relies heavily on utilizing and possessing backup hardware devices, and Backing up important software. Why is it important? What are you going to do in the even of an unexpected disaster? A hurricane? A fire? A global pandemic? Literally? Like I mentioned in my late
st article – you need to be prepared, and MOST importantly, you need to know how to be prepared. In my own experience I’ve suggested backups to clients and corporations, mostly with pushback. Why? Because they didn’t want to spend the money.

And when COVID-19 happened boatloads of professionals unexpectedly lost their jobs. Why? Because they weren’t prepared. They didn’t allow remote access. What’s a VPN? Was that wise? Looking back, did you not allow remote access because you’re stuck in your ways and can’t adapt to change?  I can guarantee if you are one of those people you are sitting at home on your couch right now blaming everything on millennials, lol. I’ll delve more into Remote Work and the future of the workforce later on. For now, I would like for you to take a step back and really think about whether or not backups are necessary for your or your business. Don’t forget – like I mentioned at the beginning – The Chainsmokers lost 3 weeks’ worth of work and 2 songs because of the infamous “?” question mark folder.

Conclusion? If a hard drive has a failure, an unexpected disaster happens, or any other type of software or hardware corruption, YOU need to be able to restore that information. Don’t lose 3 weeks worth of work. Want to know how to Backup your system? Hit me up!

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