What if You could have just one specific person that was the best person for You? Imagine, no Tinder, Facebook Dating, Hinge, etc. But rather, just one person designed just-the-way You want him or her? Well, this is the concept behind Data Warehousing. Data Warehousing is a process where data from more than one database or source is combined into one large database, in order to provide more specific information for data analysis and data retrieval. This can be helpful in Business Intelligence and making Forecasting decisions.
Data Warehousing provides the user (her) with data that comes in a condensed form, without irritation. Thus, making precision-decision making easier. See my personal blog for more details on how to make decisions with precision. Why is it easier for (her)? It’s less messy! Revert back to my opening statement – ‘Imagine, no Tinder, Facebook Dating, Hinge, etc. But rather, just one person designed just-the-way You want him or her?’ You get one clean, precise, presentation of data. Pieces that are related are abridged and correlated prior to being presented to the user (her). This way, she gets exactly what she wants. #Feminism! A clear, concise, piece of data, instead of every single piece of data presented – which BEST fits (her) needs. I’m all set with the inefficient, inauthentic, quantity over quality presentation that dating websites present. Do you see the analogy here? I would rather he show up in Real Life – smelling of After-Shave and Dollar signs, lol.
About the Author - Ashley Oliver is an experienced Cybersecurity Consultant, Engineer, Mentor and Teacher based in the Central New York area. Ashley has over 10 years of experience. Ashley is a SME in several areas of security including Network Security Engineering, Architecture, Policy, Standards, and Compliance. Ashley's rare and unique experience is based on her love for the Shell, and perfect design. Ashley has knowledge of NIST, and is very proficient in Cybersecurity, Network Security, Next-Gen Firewalls, Layered Security, DLP, Encryption, IPSec, and more, and she is always more than willing to share and to teach. Contact Ashley for Cybersecurity Job Hunt Mentoring
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