Sunday, May 16, 2021

America is in Desperate Need of Overcoming Adversity, and so is our Infrastructure

It was 2019 when I lost my job. A job I didn't like to begin with.

When I entered the office in East Syracuse, something was off. No one looked up from their computers. These people who I thought were more than just 'colleagues.' There was no chit chat about Maria's window plants, or Patty's Sunday Service. All, just cowardly staring down at their keyboards, as if they didn't see me enter the building, as if they knew something they thought I didn't. I saw my manager out of the corner of the window in my office. I walked in, looked at him, saw the HR person on the monitor, and shut the door. 

I did not listen to a single word that was said that day. I can remember checking out, and staring out the window. Mad - that I washed my hair for this meeting that totally could have been put in an email. I cried, but not because I was losing my job, rather, because I wasted a year of my life pretending to be the kind of person who enjoys not working and sitting around waiting for meeting requests. They let me go anyway. I still remember as if it were yesterday, limping out of there (I made my manager carry my things to my car). My ego and pride were damaged. But I told him, I was meant to do something bigger than this. And that I did.

In the year 2020 I have earned more than most CEOs in America. I re-built my business and my brand. I made a name for myself. I started public speaking and mentoring other people, a truly rewarding job. I studied the most rigorous cyber engineering programs. And I was honestly happier. I chose not to let the disaster of the world around me get me down. Unfortunately, I don't feel that I can say the same for almost everyone right now.

When I think back to those days I am reminded of how strong of a person I really am. I can endure anything, and I have. Perhaps this is why I am so short and brazen with most people. I feel like a lot of people have lost their strive. Many of my clients are not showing interest in earning more, pursuing more, doing more. Business seems slow, it feels like we are all just "waiting." What are we waiting for?

The Pipeline Cyber Attack is a prime example of just how desperately we need Cyber Talent. I have spent countless days, and nights working with people who say they want a change - but when it's time to burn the midnight oil they disappear. Or, truthfully speaking - when I mention my rate, off they go. This is unfortunate, not only for me, but for them. You see, I offer a service is unlike any other. My clients have a 99.9% success rate. I always prepare people for jobs in our industry. My phone rings like crazy. I'm feeling a little burnt out at this point, like I'm the last man standing - and no one else will stand up. 

It is evidently clear to me at this point that people have lost their motivation, and I am not here to push you. You have to push yourself. You have to believe in yourself. You have to know that you can do this job. You have to know that you can solve problems under pressure. You have to be confident. You have to be competent. And so on. If you want to be comfortable and keep "waiting" for this pandemic to end, please - click off.